
Leadership & Management

My Role
Creative Direction
Digital Designer
Brand Designer

Creative Leadership

To be effective in producing amazing work, a leader must have innovative ideas, open communication, a productive team, and a positive work atmosphere that frees up space to create. In my 15 years of leading and implementing great designs for both start-ups and established businesses, I have found that these are even more important in the creative field to stand out and be effective.

A Leader Listens

"As a Creative Director, I keep an open ear to my clients, superiors, and most importantly my team, so that I can effectively RESPOND to an issue or problem instead of react to them."

At Enspire Healthcare and Saulsbury Industries, I was responsible for managing their brand experience and was dedicated to developing and executing creative designs across client-facing channels: brand, product, sales, and web.

In both companies, I was fortunate to establish marketing and creative teams that delivered the highest quality visual designs across all channels:

  • Web Design
  • Front End Product Design
  • Print (Large & Small Scale)
  • Social Media
  • Video Production
  • Mobile Applications
  • B2B & B2C Marketing

Scaling Teams & Processes for Growth

To help a company grow, especially in a tech start-up case (Enspire), my number one goal in a leadership role is to create a scalable, efficient, and well-oiled machine. That machine for me is a solid project management process and workflow. The requests that come in from clients, departments, and superiors have to be effortless, and the production of those tasks by myself and team need to be achievable.

In order to achieve this, I consistently look for ways to:

  1. Consolidate and improve work management process
  2. Improve creative templates that will streamline design requests
  3. Recruit a creative team that is the right fit for the company
  4. Train, mentor and implement team building moments

Bringing Designs to Life

Within the companies I have worked for and with, I have found so much success in creating designs that speak to employees, clients and prospects by triggering EMOTION in each request. That is the first question I ask myself and my team. What emotion are we creating to generate in this design or campaign? I feel if we understand that reaction in the design, we will know how to respond as we are making it come to life.